As a Beverly Hills tummy tuck surgeon, Dr Grigoryants offers this procedure to achieve a flatter appearing abdomen with an improved waist definition. Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a commonly performed procedure. Even though many Beverly Hills and Los Angeles plastic surgeons offer this procedure, it is important for a person seeking to undergo this procedure select a tummy tuck surgeon who performs a large volume of this procedure. Dr. Grigoryants specializes in the new/advanced tummy tuck procedure, called lipoabdominoplasty. This procedure allows to removed more fat with from the abdominal area achieving a flatter and slimmer contour. This advanced tummy tuck procedure has proven to be safer with less complications and has a simpler recover process. You should be able to view before and after photographs of patients who underwent this procedure paying attention to the postoperative contour of the abdomen and waist area and whether or not the patient’s scar can be hidden behind underwear. Tummy tuck is one the most commonly performed procedures by Dr. Grigoryants. He places the scar in a location where it can be easily hidden by the thinnest underwear. Dr. Grigoryants frequently performs liposuction of the flanks and pubis when performing a tummy tuck procedure in order to improve the definition of the waist area and flatter pubis. You can view photographs of tummy tuck patients of Dr. Grigoryants below on this page. To provide you with the safest possible experience, Dr. Grigoryants performs most of his surgeries in the hospital. Patients that travel from far away or those who undergo several combined procedures at the same time have an option of staying overnight in the hospital.
Who can benefit from a tummy tuck?
Tummy tuck Beverly Hills is a useful procedure for people who have abdominal skin and fat excess.
This may occur following weight gain and loss as well as following pregnancy. In addition, in many patients protruding abdomen results from stretched abdominal muscles.
How is tummy tuck performed?
Tummy tuck involves removing excess skin and fat as well as tightening the abdominal wall (muscles and fascia). Many tummy tuck surgeons combine tummy tuck procedures with liposuction of the flanks in order to produce a better waist definition.
Most patients go home following a tummy tuck procedure. However, patients also have an option of stay overnight in the hospital.