Dr. Vladimir Grigoryants has extensive experience in rhinoplasty and has been performing rhinoplasty in Los Angeles every day for years. Dr. Grigoryants specializes in closed rhinoplasty (also known as scarless rhinoplasty or endonasal rhinoplasty). In closed rhinoplasty, incisions are placed inside the nose and, therefore, no scar will be present across the bottom of the nose. This avoids possible notching or a visible scar after surgery. For complex revisions, Dr. Grigoryants performs open rhinoplasty. The goal of nose surgery is to create a natural and more attractive nose. In many patients, nasal airway obstruction is treated at the same time.
The photographs below are untouched and show real results of Dr. Grigoryants’ patients. Patients’ eyes were covered for privacy (and left uncovered when requested by patients). The photo gallery is frequently updated with new before and after rhinoplasty photographs.