Face Lift & Neck Lift

Before surgery

Face lift los angeles

After surgery

Los angeles face lift
Neck lift los angeles
beverly hills face lift
face lift beverly hills
beverly hills face lift

PATIENT 1 : This patient underwent a face and neck lift. Sagging facial and neck skin was tightened. Deeper soft tissue (SMAS) and muscle (platysma) were also tightened to produce a longer lasting result.

Before surgery

After surgery

SCAR : Careful placement and closure of the incision allows to preserve the natural appearance of the ear and earlobe. The resulting scar is usually not easily noticeable.

Before surgery

Burbank face lift

After surgery

face lift burbank

PATIENT 2: This patient underwent a face and neck lift. Facial skin sagging and vertical bands in the neck improved following this procedure.

Before surgery

face lift los angeles

After surgery

los angeles facelift
facelift pasadena
facelift pasadena
burbank facelift
burbank facelift

PATIENT 3 : This patient underwent a face and neck lift. Hollow areas of the cheeks were corrected by repositioning descended midfacial fat.

Before surgery

Pasadena face lift

After surgery

Pasadena face lift

PATIENT 4 : This patient underwent a face/neck lift, brow lift, and upper blepharoplasty.

Before surgery

face lift los angeles

After surgery

face lift los angeles

PATIENT 5: This patient underwent face and neck lift , neck liposuction, lateral brow lift, and upper eyelid surgery.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 6 : A face/neck lift in this patient diminished the appearance of facial wrinkles and improved facial and neck contour. The natural shape of the ear and earlobe was preserved.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 7. This patient undewent face/neck and later brow lift.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 8. This patient undewent face/neck and later brow lift. Wide appears of the lower face was improved by eliminating the jowls.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 9. This patient following weight loss developed saggy skin in the facial and neck area. A face and neck lift was peformed to restore a more youthful appearance.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 10. Face / neck lift and lateral brow lift.

The natural shape of the earlobes is preserved.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 11: This patient underwent face and neck lift with liposuction, lateral brow lift, and upper eyelid surgery.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 12: This patient underwent face and neck lift , lower and upper eyelid surgery.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 13: This patient underwent face and neck lift and fat transfer to the face to improve jaw line definition.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 14 : This patient underwent a neck lift through a short incision placed behind the chin. Neck liposuction and tightening of the neck muscle (plastysma) were also . performed .

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 15 : This patient patient underwent neck liposuction and lift.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 16 : This patient underwent liposuction of the neck. This procedure is performed through a short (3 mm) incision under the chin.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 17: This patient underwent liposuction of the neck.

Before surgery

After surgery

PATIENT 18: This patient underwent neck liposuction and nasal reshaping (rhinoplasty).

Neck lift Pasadena, glendale los angeles
Neck lift Pasadena, glendale los angeles

PATIENT 19: This patient underwent a neck liposuction and neck lift.

                           Before                                                 After

facelift los angeles
face lift los angeles

PATIENT 20: This patient underwent a face and neck lift with fat transfer to face.

                           Before                                                 After

Facelift in Los Angeles
facelift surgeon los angeles
Best facelift los angeles

PATIENT 21: This patient underwent a second  face and neck lift.

                           Before                                                 After

facelift los angeles
face lifting los angeles
face and neck lift los angeles

PATIENT 22: This patient underwent a  face and neck lift. Fat transfer was performed to the smile lines and lower face. Jaw line contour was improved.