What is a mommy makeover?

What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover has been frequently mentioned in the media. Hence, many mothers present to plastic surgeons asking for this procedure.  A mommy makeover is more of a marketing rather a technical term.  Following pregnancies many women experience changes in the shape of their body and face.  A mommy makeover includes a set of plastic surgery procedures that would restore or improve the shape of the woman’s face and body after childbearing.

There is not a specific set of procedures.  More commonly women are bothered by stretched abdominal skin and weak abdominal muscles, sagging breasts with dimished volume, fat excess in various areas.  Therefore, a common combination of a mommy makeover procedures are a tummy tuck, liposuction of abdomen and flanks, and  breast augmentation.  Women who  developed  breast sagging would benefit from  a breast lift in addition to breast enlargment using breast implants. These procedures can also be combined with a tummy tuck.  In some women breasts may stay  large and heavy and these women request a breast reduction.

Another common set of procedures is facial plastic surgery and body contouring.   Commonly mothers in this group undergo such procedures as rhinoplasty combined with a breast augmentation or a tummy tuck. Rhinoplasty is  nose surgery to reshape the nose, also referred to as a nose job .  Many women who are bothered by protruding ears had requested to undergo ear surgery or otoplasty . This procedure is also called ear pinning .