The (Not So) Elusive Male Rhinoplasty

The (Not So) Elusive Male Rhinoplasty

When thinking of plastic surgery, especially the rhinoplasty Los Angeles residents tend to think that only women are going under the knife. However, this is far from true. Although most plastic surgery procedures are done predominantly on women, men are joining in on the plastic surgery craze as well. This is partly because of the “metrosexual” movement. It is becoming more and more socially acceptable for men to take care of their appearance and their body. Some American men are beginning to turn to plastic surgery to improve their appearance.

There are a small percentage of men and women who undergo rhinoplasty surgery in order to eliminate breathing problems, but many want to reduce their nose size and make their face appear more balanced. By contacting a plastic surgeon Los Angeles residents can now change the shape of their nostrils, alter the tip of the nose, and make general changes to boost one’s appearance and self-image. Just as for women, however, there are restrictions on who can get plastic surgery. For example, young men under the age of sixteen should not undergo rhinoplasty surgery because the nose is still growing. Many young men are self conscious about their nose’s appearance but they should wait until they are old enough to understand the full ramifications of the process. When undergoing a rhinoplasty Beverly Hills and Los Angeles men must make sure they are doing it for the right reasons. The surgery cannot completely change your nose. It can alter the appearance but one must have realistic expectations as to how it will look after the procedure. Many people like to look at the “Before and After” pictures that most plastic surgeons have on their websites. One can look for a nose similar to theirs and see the changes that were made. Then he can ask himself if that is what he wants his nose to look like as well. Every nose is different but one can get a good idea of what he will look like after the procedure.

The main difference between the male rhinoplasty and the female rhinoplasty is that men tend to have thicker skin layers and a stronger bone and cartilage. In addition, it is very important for most males undergoing rhinoplasty to retain their nose’s “masculinity.” The ideal modern male nose is usually characterized by a strong and straight nasal dorsum as opposed to a soft feminine nose. A skilled plastic surgeon will be very careful not to make the nose too small or thin when performing a male rhinoplasty. When contacting a plastic surgeon Beverly Hills men must be very clear on what they want out of the surgery and what they expect their nose to look like!