Cosmetic surgery Life After Weight Loss

Cosmetic surgery Life After Weight Loss

Not feeling confident with your body can lead to low self-esteem and confidence issues. Even for people that have worked hard to get the body they want do not always reach their goal without a little help. After undergoing a weight loss, people are often left with hanging skin from their arms, tummy, thighs and other areas of the body. Even with diet and exercise these people are unable to tighten up their appearance because of the loss of elasticity in the skin. A skilled plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills will work with you to come up with an individualized surgical plan that will remove excess skin from unwanted areas and tighten your contour for an attractive shape. To know more about plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills please log on to:

One common plastic surgery procedure after weight loss is the arm lift. After a rapid weight loss wither from exercise or bariatric surgery, skin on the upper arms will hang low and loose. This unattractive appearance can lead to limitations in clothing choice and stress in social situations. An arm lift in Los Angeles can remove the excess skin and fat that is located on the upper arm and tighten up the shape to look natural. For some patients that have an excess of upper arm fat with excess skin, liposuction may need to be used in conjunction to achieve optimal results.

Typically, the abdominal area will also be affected by loose and sagging skin after a weight loss. Even after working hard to lose the weight, excess skin can cover up their flat tummy and make it nearly impossible for any muscle definition to show. There may also be severe stretch marks that cause the patient to feel uncomfortable. Luckily, a tummy tuck is just the procedure to solve these problems. During the surgery, your doctor will remove the excess skin. If stretch marks are low enough on the abdomen, they may be removed with the skin. The doctor will also retighten the underlying muscle structure that may have become stretched and distorted with the weight gain.

All patients are different and will require different procedures to meet their goals. The best way to learn more about what after weight loss procedures will help you shape your contour into be a more desirable figure, is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. After doing extensive research to find a qualified surgeon in your area, and scheduling your consultation, you can have all of your unanswered questions answered by an expert. Please Visit our website