Cosmetic Procedures for a Positive Self-Image

Cosmetic Procedures for a Positive Self-Image

Self-Image is a struggle many face as many of us do not look the way we would like resulting in negative feelings towards ourselves. Plastic Surgery provides a permanent and effective means to making physical changes to present an over better facial and body profile for all patients. With a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Los Angeles patients have been able to consult with a professional about enhancing and correcting physical imperfections. With many procedures and treatment to treat the face, body, breasts, or skin, plastic surgery provides its patients with treatments that help them achieve their desired results.
Many women have struggled with the size and shape of their breasts as many women with small breasts have said to feel less feminine due to the size of their breasts. With a procedure like a Breast Augmentation Los Angeles patients have been able to increase the size of their breasts and enhance their shape and volume. The goal of a breast augmentation procedure is to increase the size of the breasts without compromising a look that is natural and youthful. Breast Implants used during a Breast Augmentation procedure are carefully chosen with the help of a plastic surgeon making recommendations as to which type and size of implant best for the patients’ needs.
With a procedure like Liposuction Los Angeles patients are able to contour bodies of their area that may have localized fat deposits or “problem areas”. The procedure can be performed on almost all areas of the body making it popular and widely-used. This procedure removes fat and excess skin from these problem areas to reveal an overall figure that is proportionate and contoured. Liposuction is also used during a Tummy Tuck, or Abdominoplasty, procedure that targets the abdominal region. During a Tummy Tuck the abdominal muscles are tightened while liposuction is used to remove the excess skin and fat. The results look natural as the midsection becomes tightened and contoured making it proportionate to the overall figure of the body.
With a nose reshaping procedure, or Rhinoplasty Los Angeles patients can refine and reshape their nose to better fit their facial profile. A Rhinoplasty procedure enhances and refines a nose that may be too wide, too long, or maybe have a nasal tip that may need reshaping. The nose is a dominant facial feature and at times a patient may feel their nose is too prominent and may need reshaping. These patients make for good candidates of the procedure after a medical health evaluation among other evaluations before a plastic surgeon may deem a patient to be a good candidate for any procedure. Consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon if you are a prospective cosmetic surgery patient for recommendations on procedures and possible alternative treatments.