Can Breast Augmentation Make Up for Lack of Cleavage?

Can Breast Augmentation Make Up for Lack of Cleavage?

When it comes to breast augmentation, women are likely to ask how well their cleavage can be enhanced with breast implants. One of the reasons women turn to breast augmentation is because they desire flattering cleavage than before. In terms of breast augmentation we do not advise to place implants too close together on the chest, nor should they be placed far apart. The goals that breast augmentation meets first and foremost are improving the shape, volume and size of the breasts with respect to the patient’s body type.

A woman in search of more cleavage is attempting to close the gap between her breasts. What we typically view as attractive cleavage is narrow space of breasts naturally closer together. Depending on the patient’s anatomy, breast augmentation can close the gap slightly, but does not aim to fill in the gap completely. With respect to the patient’s natural distance between breasts and nipples, Dr. Grigoryants can place the implants slightly closer together for a natural cleavage appearance, otherwise the placing them too close will not achieve the patient’s results and may feel unnatural in the end.

When Breast Implants Sit Too Close Together

Some patients desire their breasts to be bunched closer together for a plunged effect, but it could only lead to a condition called symmastia, otherwise called the uniboob. This occurs when the breasts naturally sit close together, the implants are too close together or the implants  shifted to the center after the procedure. The condition may also be a result from inserted implants that were too large.

Implants that Rest Too Far Apart

Lateral displacement is the opposite of symmastia where the breasts sit too far apart to produce a desired appearance of cleavage. Natural breasts sometimes position themselves farther apart than normal, and if implants are placed the final appearance may look too wide. Correcting this may be done to draw the breasts slightly closer together.

Best Approach for Cleavage Enhancement

Dr. Grigoryants is experienced with patients of both narrow and wide cleavage. Consultation will allow him to understand where to place the breast implants without causing the complications listed above. Every patient ends up with different cleavage depth and width after their augmentation. However, Dr. Grigoryants is able to predict the surgical outcome before procedure to match patients’ aesthetic goals as closely as possible.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breasts change over time due to aging, weight fluctuations, hormonal issues and gravity. After breast implants are in place, they provide long-lasting results that can be changed or altered by your plastic surgeon in the future.

While it is a myth that breast implants create noticeable cleavage, some women achieve better cleavage if they had an average chest wall size before procedure. Anatomy varies in patients so cleavage is not a guarantee with breast augmentation. Patients are encouraged to bring in expectations and pictures of what they wish to achieve. In some cases improved cleavage is achieved after augmentation, and with proper bra selection a woman’s cleavage expectations can be met accordingly.